Forest Aid
A non-profit organisation
offering a workable solution
to global rainforest destruction


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Global Warming
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Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earths atmosphere and oceans.

Clearing and burning rainforests release vast amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Each year deforestation contributes 25-30% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Predicted effects of Global Warming

Scientists working with computer simulations of the atmosphere, predict that rapid warming would have tremendous consequences including:

  • Widespread extinction of plant and animal species.

  • Sea levels rising causing coastal flooding.

  • Salt marshes and wetlands, the essential habitat of countless birds and aquatic life would be permanently flooded.

  • The collapse of Antarctic ice shelves, glaziers melting and the retreat of polar ice caps.

  • Countries such as the US, Canada, and France are likely to suffer drought and drier soil conditions, caused by global warming. The result would be a substantial drop in crop yields, causing worldwide food shortages, and the loss of billions of dollars in revenues.

  • Increases in severe storms such as hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons. Heavy and infrequent rainfall in some areas, leading to flash floods. Other areas will experience severe drought.